DJ Scratchley Q – Official Worth Living DJ
I am 23, from Ontario. I have been DJ’ing in Toronto and throughout Ontario since I was 18.
I joined Worth Living because I wanted to be able to share my mental health journey. I wanted to share to the public my struggle with mental illness and how I have found my life that is now worth living. I wanted to be able to raise awareness about mental health and end the stigma that is around mental illness. Knowing that I might help even just one person that may be struggling is a wonderful feeling.
I love being a Worth Living Ambassador because as the Official DJ for Worth Living, I get to bring people together with music and raise awareness at the same time. Music is something everyone can relate to. I’m a true believer that music can help people though the dark times and can be a major asset in the recovery process. Sometimes music can speak words and show emotions that we can’t always express on our own.
Being a member of the Worth Living Team is amazing. It’s great to know that there are other like- minded people that are willing to share their stories and support others. Together we all share a similar goal but we express and share our thoughts and emotions differently. Whether it be though music, writing for the blog, photos on social media, it’s a strong community that is growing each day.
Why not raise mental health awareness with some MUSIC! Check out my Worth Living BPM Therapy Mixes Vol. 1, 2, and 3.
Go to http://Worth Living BPM Therapy Mixes