Worth Living Ambassador Felicia Singh
Hello, my name is Felicia. I am a 25 year old healthcare professional and
counseling/psychology student with anxiety. As well as someone with an unexplainable
yearning to understand mental health disorders. The who, what, where, when, and whys of it all.
My Mind
A creative playing ground
A safe space
A scary place
A faceless face
A machine
An opaline
Forever changing
But always engaging
The key to connectivity & proclivity
Untapped potentials
Overt yet covert
A game player
Conscious vs unconscious
Intricate yet delicate
Connected but disconnected
Beautifully created
Never outdated
Slated by society
Shaped by propriety
Memories stowed away for a later day
Thoughts that run wild and want to play
Always in control
The lifelong hold