Worth Giving

Worth Living launches Worth Giving!

All of you have supported, embraced, and contributed to Worth Living and I thank you! Each of you is a voice in the conversation on mental health awareness. The WL message of health, hope, and happiness has gone global. Let’s connect with more people.

The Worth Giving Story

I was recently talking with Mickie Bowe. She is the Executive Director and I serve as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Self Help Connection but most importantly we are dear friends who have shared a lot over the years.

We were talking about kindness and how people can make a change. I told her about my nephew passing by Shelter Nova Scotia on his daily walk and seeing a sign asking for socks to be donated. Well he never had socks with him, so one evening he gets home and orders 2 boxes of socks to be delivered directly to Shelter Nova Scotia. Towards the end of my story, Mickie says, “Stop, wait“. We pause for a few seconds. She then says, “Worth Giving, that’s you, that’s yours, that’s what you are doing”. Worth Giving was then created.  A special thanks to her and to my nephew. Another special thanks to WL Ambassador Angela Lam for the amazing logo she created. Please use it on your social media and share it.

Worth Giving will encourage you, your friends, and colleagues to give back to your communities.  I know many of you are active now in your community and beyond, even into other countries.

By giving back, the rewards are incredible, for those you help and for yourself.

Donate some time to a local non –profit or charity. Help out at the local food bank or shelter. Drop off some clothes that have been in your closet unworn for years. Maybe your local library or school requires some volunteers. Be kind to your family and friends. Be kind to strangers.  Smile to those who need to see one. Embrace the kindness in yourself and share it with the world.

Please send me your stories and photos about what you have done to make a difference.  They will be featured here, on Instagram, twitter, and  the WL website. I will be creating a WG page on the site.  WG will be a platform for acts of kindness.

Let’s all embrace the Worth Giving message to change minds by being kind, thoughtful, and helpful. Simple steps.

Krystle Lurther and I  launched Worth Giving this week by delivering 4 bags of food items to a food bank. The people working there were so appreciative.  We met new people and plan to help out there more in the future.

Please join us as WL continues to embrace this challenging world but with arms of kindness,

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