“Keith Anderson spoke to his illness, as a lawyer experiencing devastating life changing depression, how he became confined to his house and then began his journey of recovery, ultimately finding his voice, celebrating the simple things in life and above all recognizing the importance of kindness.”

“Keith Anderson provides attendees with an emotional and heartfelt accounting of his battle with depression.  Keith demonstrates that mental illness does not discriminate who it will inflict and is open to the questions of the participants from our training sessions.  We are extremely grateful for the time which he provides to us, as it is an invaluable learning to those who are in attendance in our battle against stigma.”

“As a person who has witnessed Mr. Keith Anderson speak at the Living With Mental Illness Conference, and as well as an introductory speaker at the Wellness Event, “Free Your Mind” Festival, I have the utmost respect for his speaking abilities.  Understated and full of emotion, the content of his symposiums are uniquely heart rending, informative and reflect the true nature of the psycho social experience of mental illness.  His words resonated with me for years afterward encouraging me to keep up the good fight against depression showing us all that even from the depths of despair we can eventually be..”Back On Top!”, a song by Van Morrison, incorporated into Keith’s new and upcoming presentation about the power of music in mental health recovery.”

“Keith Anderson tells a provocative, emotional story about his experiences living with mental illness, loss and personal growth.  He provides an honest portrayal of how mental illness can affect every part of your life and the many lessons to be learned when you embark on the journey back to “self”.  His approach to being in the present and spending his time engaged in activities and work that bring fulfillment to him is hopeful for others who are experiencing mental illness or supporting people in recovery.”

“I think that you are  a very very courageous man and I am proud that we are in the same profession.  The response to the workshop has been fantastic!  You and Archie did a great job.I will spread the word that you are an excellent advocate and writer for mental health issues.  I think that you have a valuable role to play given your unique skill set and perspective.”

“I was fortunate to see Keith speak at the Living with Mental Health and Addictions Conferences in Sydney, NS, in 2009 and 2011. His presentations were very honest, open, and genuine . He is not shy to discuss the impact depression had on his life and career. But at the same time, his message is one of recovery, hope, and inspiration”