“As a person who has witnessed Mr. Keith Anderson speak at the Living With Mental Illness Conference, and as well as an introductory speaker at the Wellness Event, “Free Your Mind” Festival, I have the utmost respect for his speaking abilities.  Understated and full of emotion, the content of his symposiums are uniquely heart rending, informative and reflect the true nature of the psycho social experience of mental illness.  His words resonated with me for years afterward encouraging me to keep up the good fight against depression showing us all that even from the depths of despair we can eventually be..”Back On Top!”, a song by Van Morrison, incorporated into Keith’s new and upcoming presentation about the power of music in mental health recovery.”

Tammy Volkes
Rehabilitation Worker
Crossroads Cape Breton.


Tammy Volkes
Rehabilitation Worker
Crossroads Cape Breton.

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